Monday, April 16, 2012

Things we can all agree on...

Capture the Spirit.... American ideals we can all agree on...
Americans should apply these ideals to all our political discussions.

What American ideals would you add to this list?

Dissatisfaction vs. complaining...

There is a difference.
Chronic complaining makes you unhappy and negative. Nothing changes.
Some dissatisfaction with your life motivates you to press forward make changes. Things get better.
Your thoughts?

How to ...get a job.

1. Be a contributor. The sign says "Help wanted" not "Get your paycheck here".

2. Be nice. Look good, smell good, and display a good sportsmanship attitude.

3. Don't have a stupid e-mail address. Be extremely careful about what you post on Facebook. I know of several people that did not get the job because of what was on Facebook.

4. Listen to advice and get some help with your resume or interview skills.

5. Google "interview questions". Think over your answers before you go in for a face to face interview. What will you say when asked "why do you want to work here"? or what is your greatest strength or weakness?

6. Don't whine or complain about anything... especially your old job or boss.

7. Don't be a trouble maker. Employers have enough to worry about.

8. Be willing to learn, retrain, and try something new.

9. Determine what your assets are and then market them to the company that needs those skills. If you don't know what your strengths are get some input from someone who is wise and knows you well.

10. Take a minimum wage, part-time, or temporary position. This is likely a dress rehearsal for a more permanent position.

11. Apply lots of places.