Monday, January 28, 2013

The things that matter... Number ONE!

If you were to die tonight would you go to heaven?  This is a heavy question but probably the most important one you will ever ask yourself.  It takes courage to honestly answer this question.  Hell is not pretty ... you don't want to be there.  If you are not sure if you are going to heaven I would encourage you to really examine the Bible and see what it says about heaven and hell and our response to Christ.  Jesus came to save us.  Jesus loves us.  Jesus forgives us if we ask him too.  Jesus asks us to simply put Him first.  Selfish ambition has to go.  As hard as this sounds it is an invitation to a wonderful life of service to Christ and others.

Luke 16: 9-31

We are not called to be perfect or sinless.  Our short comings are covered by GRACE.  Grace is the forgiveness of a debt we owe for our wrong doings.  This is a wonderful gift!  So claim the gift of Christ's salvation and step into Jesus' abundant life.  You were created for good works.  Jesus will use your gifts, talents, and interests for the good of His Kingdom.  You will find yourself at peace with your life. 

James 3: 13-18

Are you at peace with God?

Friday, January 18, 2013

Politically correct.

"Political correctness is just tyranny with manners,  so I wish for you to be un-popular.  Popularity is just history's pocket change.  But courage... courage is history's true currency".
- the late Charlton Heston addressing the Arizona House of Representatives

Thursday, January 10, 2013

What really matters...Number Two

Having someone to pray for...

If you have someone to pray for you are indeed blessed!  Having someone to care about, nurture, and pray for is the stuff of life!  This is your legacy.  Paying it forward by investing your prayers is others is a privilege.  

Who are you blessed to pray for?