I have always enjoyed this cheerful little holiday in the middle of a long winter. I remember stopping at a little downtown bookshop when I was in high school and carefully picking out special Valentines for each of my family.
I recently ran across and old Valentine from my childhood. It was from Mrs. Marie. She was a sweet lady that lived in my neighborhood. She sent 100's of cards to many, many people. Her dinning room table was stacked with cards and she was always busy sending cards that cheered and encouraged everyone she knew. If you were sick you would be sure to get a card from Mrs. Marie.
Mrs. Marie remembered me on every holiday and every birthday. Mrs. Marie didn't just send me a card, she sent me a special card. The card in the photo has a miniature card inside for your doll. I always looked forward to Mrs. Marie's cards because they were special.
This dear lady was just an ordinary person but she touched the lives of all those around her. She invested in others and brightened many lives. Her investment in others was consistent and thoughtful. She was a sweet lady.
Please share your ideas for investing in others.