Thursday, June 28, 2012


Relationships have to be nurtured.

Relationships take...
Grace (none of us are prefect)

When we don't nuture relationships ... well-- they just die. 
How do you stay in touch?

"Fear of the Lord"

When reading my Bible I have always found the phase "fear of the Lord" rather confusing.  This phase is found frequently in scripture.  We as Christians are admonished to "fear the Lord".  Is this the same kind of fear that we feel when we are running from danger?  We are also taught that God cares about us as a loving Father.  I could never quite resolve these two ideas in my mind.

Now I think I understand.  Let me explain.  "Fear of the Lord" is submitting to God's sovernity over our lives.  It is realizing that God runs the show and we must be respectful of that fact.  EVERYTHING we have and achieve is because God's grace has allowed it to happen.

Example 1:  A person achieves a Olympic gold metal in  a race.  That person achieved that goal by the grace of God.  God provided the air the person breathes, their large lung capacity, their long legs, and a strong heart.  The person can set the goal, work hard, have a great coach and the mental outlook to withstand the pressure but the goal cannot be achieved without the gifts God provides to accomplish that goal.

Example 2:  We all live by God's provision.  Everything we have and need is dug out of the ground (mining), in the air, or grown.  The chair you are sitting on is made of metal (mined), wood (grown) and plastic (soybean product).  The food we eat, the energy that is produced,  the tools we use, and the products we make are all from the hand of God.

Example 3:  God has set the world up to support mankind's endeavors.   The water cycle, decomposition ( the world would be a mess without rot), growing seasons, the perfection of the placement of the sun (not too close-we would fry; not to far-we would freeze).  It's easy to think that we are so wise, talented and hard working that we achieved so much when really we are just working with the big plan that God put into place.

When this basic respect for God's authority and sovernity is lost- disrespect for all authority is gone and society suffers the consquences.

Parents should submit to God.  Parental leadership in this area is vital to the future of our society.
Children should submit to their parents guidance.
Students should obey their teachers and the school rules.

Submission to authority is a choice.  People cannot be forced to "fear the Lord". 

Teachers deal with this everyday in the classroom.  Students have no "fear" of any consquences if they do not follow school rules because their parent will go and defend the child's bad behavior and "get them off the hook".

The authority of police and all leaders is called into question.  Judges fear for their lives,  policemen are frequently shot in the line of duty.

"Fear of the Lord" is fundmental for an orderly society.

What are your ideas for restoring a culture of respect to our society?