This wonderful old rabbit was made by my dear Aunt Marie for my mother in about 1928. Aunt Marie was a wonderful seamstress and overall sweet lady who always had ALL her candy dishes full (and she had lots of them!).
Mr. Rabbit was loved and played with by two generations and he shows his age just like the Velveteen Rabbit. I sometimes feel like Mr. Rabbit worn old by life's wear and tear. I have had my share of troubles in life (as we all do) but I will have to say I have become WISE THROUGH MY WOUNDS.
Here are some things I learned the hard way:
In dealing with sickness, I learned empathy.
When I was unfairly imposed on by others, I learned to be unselfish.
When I was treated badly, I learned to establish emotional boundaries.
When I failed, I learned to be humble and depend on God not my own resources.
The lessons of life leave us battered and wounded but they also leave a treasure trove of wisdom.
Please share a piece of wisdom you learned during a hard time.
That is a very well-loved rabbit-- and a nice photograph, as well. :)