Friday, July 2, 2010

Brainy, Bright, and Interesting kids

As you plan your children's activities this summer I think that it is important for your kids to have a good mix of different kinds of activities. Those children that only play sports or video games are missing out on using all areas of their brains. Music, sports, arts and crafts, games, gardening, and reading are all fun activities that will exercise different parts of their brain and will help children develop into smart and interesting people.

Remember it is the process not the product that is important here. So let them sing off-key (loudly), scribble away, and strike out. It's all good even if they do it badly. You're seeing to it that your kids are using all of their gray cells by stimulating different parts of their brains.

Thought for Mom and Dad... how are you doing in this area? It's important for parents to have a mix of activities too. Don't become a workaholic or a mono-hobbyist. Life will be more fun for you too.

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